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Data structures in C++ are a vast and inevitable part of programming. Data Structure in C++ is another user defined data type that allows you to combine data items of different kinds. Structures are used to represent a record, and keep track of it in a data library.
The data operations we perform, including data representation, storage, and organization in a meaningful manner, are performed by the implementation of data structures.
The main difference between data structures in C and C++ is that in the C data structure, all members are public, while the members are private by default in C++. The c data structure cannot have member functions inside structures, while C++ data structures can have member functions with member variables.
- Arrays Basics Introduction and Pointers: Basics
- Structures and Pointers
- Functions (Systern Defined and User Defined)
- Array as Parameter, Structure as Parameter
- Converting a C program to a C++ class
- Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- C++ Class and Constructor
- Algorithms and Performance Analysis
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
- Specifying a valid range of values for a cell
- Specifying a list of valid values for a cell
- Specifying custom validations based on the formula for a cell
- Advanced Excel Course - Working with Templates
- Designing the structure of a template
- Using templates for standardization of worksheets
- Bubble sortSelection sort, or insert sort
- Heap sort, merge sort, or quick sort
- Introduction and Declarations of Array
- Static vs Dynamic Arrays
- Arrays Representation 2d and 3d
- Insertion in array and Deletion in array
- Reverse of array
- Traversing of array element
- Sequential and binary search
- Introduction to Linked List
- Linked List vs Array
- Linked List Insertion/Deletion (Deleting a given key & Deleting a key at given position)
- Reverse a linked list / Rotate and Generic Linked List in C
- Merge two sorted linked lists and Merge Sort for Linked Lists
- Circular Linked List Introduction and Applications,
- Circular Singly Linked List Insertion
- Circular Linked List Traversal
- Split a Circular Linked List into two halves
- Sorted insert for circular linked list
- Doubly Linked List Introduction and Insertion
- Delete a node in a Doubly Linked List
- Reverse / Quick-Sort/Merge Sort for Doubly Linked List
- Introduction to Stack
- Reverse a String using Stack
- Implement two stacks in an array
- Reverse and Sort a stack using recursion
- Design and Implement Special Stack Data Structure
- Implement Stack using Queues
- Design a stack with operations on middle element
- Sort a stack using recursion
- Queue Introduction and Array Implementation
- Linked List Implementation of Queue
- Applications of Queue Data Structure
- Priority Queue Introduction
- Introduction, Applications & Implementation of Deque using circular array
- Implement Queue using Stacks
- Introduction to Strings
- Finding Length / Changing Case of a String/ Counting Words and Vowels in a String
- Validating and Reversing a String
- Comparing Strings and Checking Palindrome
- Finding Duplicates in a String & by using Bitwise Operations
- Permutation of String
- Binary Tree Introduction and Its Types & Its Properties
- Applications of tree data structure
- Tree Traversals and BFS vs DFS for Binary Tree
- Diameter of a Binary Tree & Maximum width of a binary tree
- Inorder Tree Traversal without Recursion and without stack!
- Threaded Binary Tree & Connect nodes at same leve
- Inorder predecessor and successor for a given key in BST
- Check if a binary tree is BST or not & Merge two BSTs with limited extra space
- Two nodes of a BST are swapped, correct the BST
- Find a pair with given sum in a Balanced BST
- Merge Two Balanced Binary Search Trees
- Binary Heap/Binomial Heap/Fibonacci Heap
- Heap Sort/Sort an almost sorted array/Topological Sorting
- K'th Largest Element in an array
- Hashing Introduction
- Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order
- Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists
- Graph and its representations
- Breadth & Depth First Traversal for a Graph
- Detect Cycle in a Directed and Un-Directed Graph
- Longest Path in a Directed Acyclic Graph
- Segment Tree: Segment Tree | Set 1 (Sum of given range)
- Segment Tree | Set 2 (Range Minimum Query)
- Tree | (Insert and Search) & Tree | (Delete)
- Two Dimensional Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree
- Binary Indexed Tree: Range Updates and Point Queries and Range Queries
- Suffix Array nLogn Algorithm
- kasai's Algorithm for Construction of LCP array from Suffix Array
- Suffix Tree Introduction
- Generalized Suffix Tree, Build Linear Time Suffix Array using Suffix Tree
- Searching All Patterns
- Diagonal Matrix and C++ class for Diagonal Matrix
- Lower Triangular Matrix Row-Major Mapping & Column-Major Mapping
- Upper Triangular Matrix Row-Major Mapping & Column-Major Mapping
- Symmetric Matrix, Toeplitz Matrix Tri-Diagonal and Tri-Band Matrix
- Menu Driven Program for Matrices and by Using Functions
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